Pinehurst Park

Pinehurst Park

Hollywood Heights has its own member-only park at the corner of Hillcrest and Bonita Terrace. The park has two parts – one that is for members and their dogs and the other just for members.

Only dues paying members to the Pinehurst Park Association can use it. The Pinehurst Park Association is separate from the Hollywood Heights Association and has separate dues.

Membership is $200/year, but HHA members get a special rate of $175/year.

Park maintenance is funded by membership contributions, and membership contributions only! The City does not maintain the park in any way. Volunteers answer the phone, make the copies, process member applications, maintain membership roster and send out renewal notices, pay bills, deal with city officials, repair whatever they can when things break and hire professionals when necessary, donate the plants and maintain them, monitor the noise level so neighbors and park users can both enjoy the space, etc.

Creating and maintaining this oasis in the middle of our neighborhood has vastly improved the safety and beauty of this area. Whether we actually use the park or not, it benefits ALL of us, and it needs every one’s generous support in order to continue.

If you would like to apply for membership or tour the park please send an email to

Note all dogs must be licensed by the city of LA, be vaccinated and neutered (for everyone’s safety).

Rules and Regulations

These rules have evolved over the years in order to make the park a place all the neighbors can enjoy and to comply with our agreements with the city.  We ask that you please follow all of them.

  • Park membership is for residents of Hollywood Heights defined as the area: North or Franklin Ave, West of Highland Ave, East of Sycamore Ave and South of the Hollywood Bowl.
  • The park is for use by park members only. See to it that the gate is closed and securely locked after use and do not disclose the combination of the lock to others.
  • It is prohibited to disclose the park keypad code to non-members. If someone forgets the code open the door for them and have them contact the park for the code again.
  • The north section of the Park (away from the Bonita Terrace frontage) has been partitioned off for the use of those exercising their dogs; no pets are permitted in the southerly section of the Park under any circumstances.
  • Please keep noise to a minimum as there are many residents living around the park. The area surrounding the park forms a natural amphitheater so even cell phone conversations can be amplified and become annoying to residents. No musical instruments or radios, fireworks or clapping or yelling at your pet are allowed. Remove your dog from the park if he/she causes any loud or sustained barking. Please quiet your pet when other dogs go by.
  • No ball games.
  • No grilling or cooking food of any kind.
  • Alcohol is prohibited. (LAMC 41.27)
  • No Private Parties.
  • No yard sales or any other form of vending or selling of new or used items.
  • No filming or photo shoots.
  • If garbage cans are still on the street after garbage pick-up on Friday, please bring them in. The black cans marked “P” go in the north end, the green and unmarked cans goes in the south end. This park is maintained and improved by volunteer efforts. There is no paid staff (other than to mow the lawn), so please do your part to keep it a safe and beautiful place for all of us.
  • Small children should be closely supervised in the non-dog side of the park, and should never be brought into the dog side.
  • Dog defecation is to be immediately removed by owner. (LAMC 53.49)
  • No more than three dogs are allowed per person. (LAMC63.44G)
  • For the health and safety of your puppy, no dogs under the age of four months are allowed to use this facility. (LAMC 63.44G)
  • All dogs over the age of four months shall be fully vaccinated and licensed. Dogs must wear collar and tags, and be kept on leash at all times. (LAMC 53.51, 53.15.3(a) and 53.21, 28,51)
  • All dogs four months and older must be spayed or neutered. (LAMC 53.15.2)
  • Female dogs in any stage of heat are not permitted in the park. (LAMC 53.29)
  • Dogs with communicable diseases are not allowed on the park premises at any time. (LAMC63.44G)
  • Abandoning animals is prohibited. (597P PC)
  • Dogs should not be left unattended in a vehicle. (597.7 PC)
  • Vicious animals/dogs are not allowed or permitted in the park. (LAMC 53.34)
  • In the event of dog bite or injury, dog owner/guardian must exchange current tag information and phone numbers. (398 PC)
  • Be communicative and open about informing other dog park members if your dog has any behavioral or aggression issues (with puppies, large dogs, overly excited dogs or high energy dogs, etc.) to keep other dogs safe.
  • If there is any dog fight or dog aggression, check all dogs and people for injuries. If possible take video footage or photos to document injuries and incident, visit a veterinarian/health care provider immediately and contact Park Committee of Pinehurst Park to report the incident.
  • Park Committee of Pinehurst Park may make recommendations to the involved parties of dog incidents in order to retain membership. These recommendations typically but not always will recommend keeping the dogs apart who do not get along, so that all dogs may continue to benefit from the park.
  • If there are any injuries to you or your dog by a dog at Pinehurst Park and you are unable to resolve the incident among yourselves you may pursue the matter in small claims court to recover medical and veterinary expenses. The Park Committee of Pinehurst Park has no legal jurisdiction to make such determinations and no liability.